Thursday, July 17, 2008

Home Again, Home Again

I got home from Orlando last night at 8:30 and was greeted by two pajama-clad boys screaming "Mommy!" at the top of their lungs. In case you're wondering: nope, it doesn't get any better than that. Meeting Jeremy Camp doesn't compare. Signing 200 books while sitting next to Maureen Lang doesn't compare. Even watching the IllumiNations show at Epcot with fellow authors and good friends from Tyndale doesn't compare (though we're getting closer).

Okay, I'm being cheeky. Missing my boys aside, my trip to Orlando was fabulous in every way. I had a great time. Mostly because I got to dress up, talk books, and hang out with people who think the way I do (scary thought, I know). I stayed up late chatting with Lisa, got to know my wonderful agent and her equally cool assistant, met the authors of books I've long loved, and spent time plotting and planning my next book.

It's a little strange to be home. Good strange, because I just listened to my four-year-old put on a concert featuring his debut song Mommy's Home, but unsettling strange, too, because I'm reminded that I live in two worlds more or less. There's Nicole, the author, and then there's Niki, the wife, mom, small town girl, and closet poet (also known as Nik, momma, and 'Lil Beth--but that's another story).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I feel so blessed to be able to do both: write books and be a full-time pastor's wife and mother of young sons. But the balancing act is hard sometimes. I came back from Florida full of ideas and ready to jump headfirst into my next project, but I had pancakes to make, eggs to scramble, diapers to change and phones to answer (all before 7:30 this morning). Then it was off to the doctor for my baby's two-year check-up (can I still call him a baby?), followed by Bible study and errands, and before I had a chance to breathe it was time to make lunch. Boy the days go so fast.

I guess the best thing I can do is love it while I'm in it, and enjoy the memories when the moment's gone. Awww... Isn't that sweet? But whether it's cheesy or not, I'm serious. Life goes too fast sometimes. I want to suck the marrow out of my life, but before I can pucker my lips it's gone. Bad analogy, but you know what I mean. Take this trip for example... I can't believe it's over. Oh well, at least I got some great pictures. :)

Anyway, time to switch the laundry and start thinking about supper. I'll write more about ICRS soon (maybe I'll even copy some of my journal entries), but in the meantime here's a photo from the Christy Awards banquet. I'm on the left next to Lisa McKay. On the right side is Shelly Beach, Christy Award winner in the Chick Lit category. Oh, and I should confess: I stole this photo from Lisa. Sorry, Lis!


  1. Oh I'm SO put out :). I'll send you copies soon. I know what you mean about two worlds. I came back to much discussion of chairs for the wedding (chairs, of all things), a fiancee who's stranded in Buka because Air Nugini is on strike, and lots of work to deal with. I miss Florida! But it's good to be back too. Talk soon...

  2. Nicole,
    I discovered your first book at Border's Bookstore! What a treat. I was hooked by your complicated characters and the way you write about them, so like me yet so unlike.
    Naturally I was eager to get to your next book "Summer Snow" and I was disappointed it had to end. I try to parcel out good books like these to savor the experience. And It's bittersweet to see it end.
    But I am convinced any book imprints into your heart and that things we read stay with us. So the experience, though it ends is never lost.
    Now I look forward to your next book and your blog.
    I too have a blog which is called "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of All Good Things" I am a born-again Christian and love Jesus with all my heart. It's wonderful to share this. I don't have my complete profile done out there. I have a myspace account which I share with my family and blog for their eyes. But I love to write too and share many of your passions.
    I could say so much more but you are one busy lady and reading blog comments I'm sure is not high on the priority list. this life seems too short to enjoy everything, that is why we must enjoy the moments that make it up knowing we have an eternity to relish in all the goodness of who God is.
