Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sick, Sick, Sick

You all know the tune to "Jingle Bells," right? Well, I've written new lyrics. Sing along: Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick!

Argh! The entire Baart family has run the gamut from pneumonia to bronchitis and beyond. Ew! It's been a yucky December. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that none of us have been sick at the same time... There's always someone to take care of you, but then, there is always someone SICK! At least I think we are all (finally) on the mend. We've consumed enough antibiotics to kill virtually anything creepy and crawly that might invade our systems. So, in light of my fledgling health (and as my overtime job as nursemaid slowly begins to wane), I promise to start blogging again. To keep you interested, here's what's coming up:

Reviews! I did a lot of reading this month and I can't wait to talk about Water for Elephants, The Thirteenth Tale, and an amazing book that challenged my ideas about God called The Shack. I so excited to tell you all about it.

News! I'm thrilled to show you the finalized cover for Summer Snow--it's gorgeous. And have I mentioned that I've signed a new book contract? I'll tell you all about it...

Musings! I love the holidays, but they always make me think. I'll blow off some of that steam here.

Sorry it's been so dull around here. I hope that in the interim you have had a beautiful Christmastime with family and friends. It's a snowy wonderland in my neck of the woods and God has been good. May the same be true for you. And, may you have a blessed end to 2007...


  1. I'm glad you are all feeling better. I can't wait to see the Summer Snow cover!

  2. Praying you are all completely better now and wishing you a Merry Christmas!
